
In Italy, an unknown gives money to the needy

An unknown benefactor in the province of Varese at night leaves checks for thousands of euros to those who bring kindness to people. A note is attached to the check: "Thank you for your work." Associations helping patients are shocked

This happened for the first time nine months ago. Real rain from bank checks with a total value of 41 thousand euros "poured" into the mailboxes of charitable organizations of the Italian city of Busto Arsizio (Varese province). Neither the signature, nor the addresses by which to calculate the "serial benefactor", as he was very quickly christened. An unknown man or a mysterious woman circled around the city at night and left envelopes in the mailboxes of organizations helping children, people with disabilities, and sick people. Without leaving any traces.

Last week, the "miracle" repeated. A check for 10 thousand euros was left (again at night) in the mailbox of Unitalsi, an association that helps and accompanies patients on a pilgrimage to the temple of the French city of Lourdes. True, this time a short message was added to the check. 70-year-old city president Alberto Bossi recalls:

“Last Thursday I came to work early in the afternoon. The entrance gate is located in the courtyard of the central church parish of St. Giovanni, in the heart of the city, and there I found a white envelope without a stamp. I opened it. Inside was a note with the printed text "Thank you for what you are and for what you do."

According to Bossi, he was in shock. “My hands were shaking,” he says. That evening, at a meeting of the board of directors, I took the floor and announced that I had to give a startling piece of news. I laid the envelope on the table and asked my colleagues to open it. After seeing the contents, some were moved to tears “ . This money will be very useful for them. With the economic crisis, it has become difficult to even buy a train ticket to come to Lourdes to pray. Now, Bossi offers 153 members of the association to use the money to buy more comfortable wheelchairs. "I knew that a mysterious benefactor lives in the city, but I could not even imagine that he would come to us," Bossi shared.

Another bank check for the same amount came a few days later at the headquarters of Aias, an association for children with dystrophy.

By the way, Aias already received a similar check last June, then the donation went to the Bianca Garavaglia charity, which fights against childhood tumors.

An unknown benefactor seeks to help everyone and makes no difference. The same nine months ago, he donated a check for fifteen thousand euros to the Anfass association, which helps people with disabilities and their families. Then he went to the office of the organization for helping drug addicts and left there three thousand euros. The same amount for the Associazione Lions Tosi-Ravera charity.

There are rumors in the city that, in fact, envelopes do not always get into mailboxes at night, but are handed over to responsible people personally, but the philanthropist himself asks them to lie a little to society in order to remain anonymous.

Watch the video: MARCO CAROLA @ SUNWAVES 25 - 28042019 (May 2024).

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